
Protection Against Cold Weather

As winter approaches, the threat of snowstorms becomes more imminent, potentially leading to power outages that can disrupt daily life. If you have a Generac home standby generator, ensuring it’s ready to perform when you need it most is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare your Generac generator for a snowstorm:

Applies to Air-Cooled Home Standy Generators 10 kW – 26 kW.

Before Snow or Ice Storm

Check Fuel Levels
  • Natural Gas or LP Generators: If your generator runs on natural gas or liquid propane (LP), ensure your LP tank is sufficiently filled. Natural gas supply should be automatic, but it’s good to check for any local service disruptions.
Inspect and Maintain Generator
  • Check Oil and Coolant: Verify oil levels of the generator and top off if low. For liquid-cooled models, check the coolant level as well. Best practice, Generac recommends securing a Service Maintenance contract from a local certified dealer. Establishing a regular maintenance schedule for your generator will help guarantee it’s in top condition and fully prepared to handle any upcoming weather event in your area. Remember, Savant Electric Company is always ready as your certified Generac dealer to perform these services for you! We follow a comprehensive checklist to meet maintenance and warranty requirements. Get on a plan today and never miss a maintenance!
  • Battery Condition: Test the battery voltage. Fully charged batteries typically display a voltage of 12.5 or higher. Clean the terminals to prevent any corrosion which might hinder performance. Consider replacing the battery if it’s old or not holding charge well. Older batteries may not have the power to start the engine when temps fall below freezing. Good news, Savant Electric provides new batteries with installation, plus we offer discounts on new batteries with the purchase of certain Service Maintenance plans!
  • Wind Protection: If there is a risk of prevailing winds during the winter storm consider installing a protective wind break a safe distance from the generator to counter any snow, ice, or debris buildup around the generator. This will make it easier to maintain a clean and clear area around the generator as buildup can occur during high wind events.  As a note, Generac generators sturdy aluminum enclosure is rated to withstand winds up to 150 mph.
  • Cold Weather Kit: If your generator model recommends or requires a cold weather kit in your area, make sure it’s installed. These kits can include battery warmers, oil heaters, or block heaters. These accessories are usually needed in locations with extreme and extended temperatures that fall below freezing but are still useful in areas where freezing temperatures occur.
Test Run Generator
  • Automatic Exercise: If you haven’t already, perform a weekly test run to ensure everything is functioning correctly. This not only checks the generator but also the automatic transfer switch for proper operation. By default, your generator is set to perform exercises bi-weekly at a specific time for a duration of five minutes. If needed, our certified technicians can set your generators exercise timeframe for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, just give us a call!
  • Listen for Unusual Noises: During the test, listen for any unusual sounds which could indicate mechanical issues. Just like any engine, regular maintenance, valve adjustments, and performance checks are necessary for proper ongoing service. Contact your local dealer if you suspect any potential problems. Additionally, if you have the Mobile Link App connected to WiFi consider subscribing to dealer Remote Fleet Monitoring for enhanced protection and servicing.
Safety Checks
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Ensure all CO detectors in your home are functional, as improper generator operation can lead to hazardous levels of carbon monoxide. Change batteries to smoke detectors as well if needed.
Emergency Preparedness Kits
  • Stock Up on Supplies: Keep flashlights, warm clothing, tools, and spare parts handy. Ensure you have emergency supplies like food, water, and batteries for critical devices in case the power outage extends beyond what the generator can handle.

During Snow or Ice Storm

Ensure Proper Ventilation
  • Clear Snow and Ice: Regularly check during the storm to ensure your generator’s exhaust and intake are not blocked by accumulating snow, ice, or debris. This is crucial for preventing carbon monoxide buildup or overheating when the generator turns on. Use a brush or compressed air, if necessary, to maintain a clearance of at least 3 feet around the unit for proper air flow and ventilation.
  • Front and Side: Minimum clearance must be 3 feet, includes shrubs, bushes, and trees.
  • Rear or Back: Minimum clearance of 18 inches, unless state or local codes dictate otherwise.
  • Existing Wall: Minimum clearance of 18 inches from any existing walls or structures.
  • Overhead: Minimum clearance of 5 feet from any structure, overhang, or projections from walls.

No fresh air intakes including windows, doors, vents, window wells, or wall openings are permitted near any point of the generator set.

Air Filter and Oil Level Monitoring
  • Generator Performance: Make sure the air filter is clean and not frozen from ice buildup, a blockage can produce issues. Also monitor the oil levels every 24 hours of continuous operation for additional oil may be needed. If extended power outages are expected during a weather event it’s a good idea to have extra oil on hand.
Review and Understand Your Generator's Manual
  • Operational Knowledge: Revisit your generator’s manual for specific winter operation tips and emergency procedures. Contact Savant Electric Company, your local Generac certified dealer, for any repair or maintenance requests.

After Snow or Ice Storm

Post-Storm Maintenance
  • After the storm, give your generator another inspection. Look for any signs of wear or damage caused by the cold or heavy operation. Schedule maintenance if needed. Remember to reestablish and maintain the minimum clearance around your Generac generator as described above.

By following these steps, you’ll not only ensure your Generac home standby generator is ready for the snowstorm but also maintain its longevity and reliability for future unplanned events. Preparation is key to weathering the storm safely and comfortably, so we always recommend making a plan or at least having a checklist to make sure important tasks get done.

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